Saturday, September 20, 2008

ok, i have wasted the entire day on sleeping. should have stayed back in school with sharon. anyway, a shall blog about this week before i continue on my work.

i'm officially 18 this year. looking forward to watch a m18 movie, but never am i going to watch mirror. i don't want to spend money to scare myself ever again. hope another m18 show will come out real soon. anyway, i want to watch mamma mia, any one interested?

some people i want to thank for wishing me happy birthday:
sheryl, kaye, min hui, lilian, sheng xun, cristal, yixiang, jiexi -thanks for the card:)
terrence, desmond ang, desmond tan and joanna -these two people played isketch(a pictionary game) till they forgot all about me, sharon, peiwen-nice card and concept=x, cheehow and lirong-no worries, the windmill got home safe and sound, kitty, william, kugan and ben choy-the orange juice tasted, keith for the cute little elmo
ok, that's all i remember. if i left out anyone and you're not pleased that i left you out, do inform me to include your name. didn't mean to forget, but my memory is really failing me. haha

and people have been asking me how i spent my birthday. i basically spent the entire morning of my birthday in school having lesson, then the entire afternoon stuck in classroom doing math time trial, evening with my family eating, and the night doing homework and sleeping after that. that's how i spent my 18th birthday=) not very exciting but at least i did some homework=x

i seriously think that seb, sharon and me are pretty silly. we stood outside a shop in yishun (the one near the basketball court) trying to discuss the time we should meet today. as we discussed, we saw a weird looking photo outside a shop i assume to be some spa shop. bewildered by the weirdness of the photo, we tried to make out what it's showing. seb, got the photo first, and started pointing and explaining to me and sharon what the photo is all about like a teacher trying to teach his students some concept. silly us.

IdIoTiC mE
10:12 PM

Saturday, September 13, 2008

ok, i haven't been blogging. been too lazy to do it recently. outing, schooling, homework is simply using up all my energy, so much that i don't even have the energy to press one button to switch on my computer, a few more clicks and some tapping to blog.

my one week September school 'holiday' can be summed up with a two words: slack, tiring. it's slack because i did nothing like studying which should be my focus. all i did was pigging out and trying my best to turn into a gigantic lard. mind you, i put on 3kg during the one week break. ain't i amazing?=D tiring because there's too many outings packed into the one week. as my friends know, i'm a really lazy person who loves being a lard. as a lard, i don't really enjoy going out and let people see my fats. also, going out makes me exhausted and much sleeping is required to regain a little energy. yes, that's how lardy i can get. shall not go into the details of outings, too long. for more information, try going to other people's blog, and i do not have links for them because i'm too lazy to put the links.=)

and school has been real fun! it's been packed with 3 amazing things, work, work and more work!! isn't it simply fun to find yourself doing homework and nothing else? i love being a nerd, and would love to become even more nerdy. ok, funny. i think i really should smash my television so i won't get to watch anymore shows and i'll really really sit down and study for at least 3 hours per day. that's my goal for now.

enough with summary of what happened. before i forget, i would really like to thank my dear friends for the present. they got me a dress for your information. i find it rather revealing (i'm a real conservative person!! look at the apron i wear to school). but no worries people, i will definitely wear it and not waste your money. but i will not wear it before i manage to get my weight to magic no. 45=x joanna, be patient and stop saying you will never get to see me wearing the dress.

one last thing, joanna che yong tian, i'm not gullible!!! i'm only pretending to be one so that you people can laugh at me. all i'm trying to do is to make your life more interesting=)

IdIoTiC mE
4:36 PM

Monday, September 01, 2008

i think crapiness runs in the blood. because some crap my family will do will be my brother trying to dance with my cousin's dog as i'm playing piano, my bro trying to make the dog into spider dog by making it 'walk' on the ceiling and my sis trying to cook some real random stuffs which doesn't taste that great and me writing this random post.

i'm just real bored from doing math!!! i almost don't know how to do the whole paper!! oh my goodness!!! why must math be so difficult?!?!?

oh, and i made pizza yesterday. it's very nice, i've finally cooked something that people say it's nice!! haha.

anyway, met my primary school friend in the lift just now (my primary school friend stays in the same block as me). it was extremely awkward. why? because we so obviously know each other but remained silent and didn't greet each other through out the journey in the lift (time moved real slowly). thankfully, he talked to me as we were exiting the lift. but what he said was real random. and i'm amazed by how boys change. he used to be shorter than me, and i called him shorty way back in primary school. yes, i'm a very nasty person.=) that must have given him bad memory. i shall redeem myself by trying to treat my friends better=x

IdIoTiC mE
9:56 PM