Friday, August 29, 2008

ok, we've been behaving like A level is over. got to stop this and start studying fast!!

pretty happy with today's outing, almost full attendance where both ben and peiwen attended=) went for buffet at suki sushi, amk branch. my dear friend got conned by the timing on the web and we had to starve for a while before we can eat. don't worry, we don't blame u, joanna;)

some achievements of the day:
-ben, des, peiwen and i ate about 50 plates?
-peiwen managed to get forfeit for consecutive 4 times? and had to eat alot. ben did alot of forfeits too, but not as many as peiwen
- overwhelmed by the guilt of eating so much even though i don't have the capacity to grow horizontally, i alighted at yew tee and continued the rest of the journey home by foot. hope that can prevent me growing fat a little=x anyway, the journey home from yew tee took 30mins, listened to 11 songs, and countless mrt went pass me.

funny things that happened:
-due to space constrain, we had to sit separate tables (but still next to each other). and the waiter sort of combined our orders, and all the food that joanna ordered ended up on our table. so, jo and company did not get to eat the food they ordered, and our table ended up with alot of food that we didn't order. but we gladly finished everything. haha
-ben and peiwen took forever to chew their food. to the extent that des reminded them that their not eating chewing gum, and the food can be swallowed.

and i think i look real fierce when i don't smile. why do i say that? because, their was this secondary school girl trying to top up her ez-link card, realised she didn't have change and went around asking everyone if they had small change, but me. and i was standing right next to the top up machine!!! sigh. how in the world can i look more friendly??

this is a super not organised post. maybe due to eating too much in the day, resulting in me being unable to organise my thoughts (crap)

IdIoTiC mE
11:08 PM

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

yesterday was a nightmare for me, and not to forget, some of my friends. i forgot if it's me or jo who proposed going for 4bia, but i was scared out of my wits-.- it was freaking scary, and i wished that time would go faster and the movie will end quickly. yes, being a coward, i tried to sit a little closer to jo. BUT she cruelly push me away, saying i'm too noisy and violent. and so, i had to share sharon with shaun (little did i expect shaun to be more frightened than me). sharon is so motherly!!! as for des and ben, expected=) i think i'm never going to go for another horror movie, but that's what i say after every single horror movie=x

oh, and i've found a way to keep ben and des quiet. bring them to watch horror movie. they'll get so shocked that they'll stone after the movie. yes. good idea=)

anyway, after doing some thinking, i think people say i'm very fierce because of my expression. i tend to frown without me realising, which lets people feel that i'm pissed when i'm actually not. and i also tend to speak in a irritated tone when i'm actually not that irritated. so people, please do me the favour of reminding me not to frown and speak in a nicer tone, ok? thanks=)

IdIoTiC mE
10:09 PM

Friday, August 15, 2008

i must really admit that bad things don't come alone. bad luck has many many friends who love to target one person. let me see what happened before GP yesterday. i was walking to the auditorium, when a brown unknown flying object flew towards me, gave me a little pat on the shoulders and off it goes. thinking that it was simply a random moth, i gave no notice to it. BUT jiexi suddenly say, "yeejean, that's not moth, that cockroach!!" and that set me running off. yes, the freaking disgusting looking and dirty insect flew so freaking near my face and me!!! following this incident in the afternoon, as i was eating apple, joanna tried to strangle me for whatever reason i cannot remember. i choked. ok, unlucky day.

and on to today. i calculated eating time wrongly and felt super hungry during math paper. not super hungry, i think it's to the extent of starving-.- and to add to the empty stomach, i had to have cramps. ok, from today onwards, i shall not say 'what's so painful about cramps' or anything along that line anymore. i've had my little bit of experience. anyway, i was too hungry to make it home for dinner. so i had to eat dinner outside. feel kind of guilty for wasting my mother's effort to cook... =x

i'm really amazed by how focused those athletes can get=)

IdIoTiC mE
11:45 PM

Friday, August 08, 2008

found today's date too nice to give blogging a miss. everything has become a routine. so nothing much to blog about for the pass few days. other than today.

i wanted to be a nice girl and help my mom get some vegetables and tofu for dinner. and so, off i go with aaron to shop and save near my house. that's the beginning of some bad luck. went around shop and save to get all the things required, and lined up to pay for the groceries. but alas, the cashier girl was really slow. didn't show much displeasure on my face as i worked as one before, and i know how much it suck to see upset customers. made our way home after paying. here's the most exciting part of the day. walked and walked and walked. suddenly, something wet dropped on my left hand. i turned my head away from the conversation to see what's on my hand. WOW. joanna's (bird shit) on my hand!! great. so much for being a good girl.

before i forget, i want to apologize to some people.
first on the list: benjamin yeo zhe ming. i'm so so so so sorry for scolding you on thursday. it's not your fault, it's just exam stress and me being irritated to hear the absurd story. please don't blame yourself=x
second: joanna, ben yeo(again), desmond tan, sebastian ho, peiwen. thanks for waiting with me for my dad to come, and sorry that i didn't ask my dad to send you people to mrt station. i'm coward, don't dare to ask my dad for the favour and we were running late for ah ma's house. =x

IdIoTiC mE
11:19 PM

Sunday, August 03, 2008

had another family outing to the movie. was eating when my bro said, "we haven't been going out lately. how about a movie?" so, we finished eating asap changed and bathed and left house at 8.40. reached the cathay at 9.15 (mom drove, or not run to mrt station also won't reach that fast), wanted to watch the 9.30 show. and as you guessed, sold out. settled for the 11.15 show, first row. it's a really really bad choice to sit first row for a 2hour movie. wait, i thought that there's recession? why is so many people still driving to watch midnight movie?!?!

the movie was not bad. kind of funny and a little touching. but not touching enough to make me cry. DON'T, i repeat DO NOT doubt my words. did not cry=) either it's because the part is really not sad enough to make cry, or i was not in the mood to cry. lol. i'm not a crybaby like my bestie=P

ok, what did mom, bro and i did to spend 2hours? we walked aimlessly in Cathay, then walked along the street, ended up in plaza sing, looked at some wine. got tired after walking for so long, went star bucks to buy mocha and sat down. anyway, it's a really bad choice to drink coffee at 10+pm. why? because it'll make you feel awake even at 2.30am. i think i can consider drinking another cup tomorrow when studying to keep myself awake. good idea.=D

i'm always invisible when you're around. i won't be heard even if i repeat something 3 times. the woes of a sister when she has such an outstanding brother. will never be heard or seen when you're around.

IdIoTiC mE
2:20 AM

Friday, August 01, 2008

1st august, 2008. a historic day where yipeng, ben yeo and desmond tan miraculously went out with us for movie. spent a freaking long time trying to persuade some of them to skip asp and go for movie. and after that, yipeng actually went chomp with us. hmm... the sun is coming up from the west. anyway, so many shocking news today. someone and someone is... haha, scandalous. then some shocking opinions from people.

oh, and i guess today wasn't a good day to go out. so many bad things happened to us! firstly, we missed the 3.30 show time for mummy, had to wait till 4.30 for the next. then, our seats were snatched twice by some really not so courteous singaporeans. i really think it's basic courtesy to let those who came before you to have the seat first. but whatever, what can you expect from singaporeans? oh, and the girl who snatched the seat with us had the cheek to turn around and tell us, we don't mind sharing the table with you. HELLO, you took that table by force from us?!?! in the end, an alumni from our school offered to share her table, and they tried to finish their food faster. bad day for going out.

journey home alone. tonight is a really quiet night. all i heard while walking through the park is my footstep. and i wonder if it's only myself or what, it's real dark tonight. saw a leaf falling off a tree. can't help but think life is just like a leaf. we're on a tree when we're alive and kicking. once we die, we'll fall off the tree, to the ground. after which, we'll be left there to rot and be forgotten.

bad headaches on friday seem to have become a routine...

IdIoTiC mE
11:57 PM