Sunday, April 27, 2008

rather than feeling sad and emo all the time. i think i should think hard and find what's the problem and then solve the problem i have. look forward to the day...

finally bought new shoes!! well, the shoe i bought wasn't my first choice. because all the others i like didn't have my size. so sad. if only i can shrink my feet to size 5 or 6. soooooooooo envious of people with small legs!!

rather than replying people on tag board all the time, i shall reply it in blog today:D

seb: how about one container full of peach milk tea? will try not to think that way=x
willy: the society we live in makes it hard for us not to frown
yipeng: lol!! think positive? kind of difficult to achieve at the rate i'm going
sharon: eating too much chocolates make one fat. i'm fat enough alr... and i haven't been able to find smarties in NTUC=(

IdIoTiC mE
9:17 PM

Friday, April 25, 2008

everyone seems to be feeling moody. even people i don't expect to feel moody feels moody. we get more stress, more work, less play and less smiles as days pass. i guess we just have to find ways to relieve stress. try to make time to do things we like.

life has been rather meaningless for me. sometimes i even wonder why my mother gives birth to me and make me suffer in the mortal world. wouldn't it be nicer if you had a miscarriage at that time? then there'll be one less person living on earth and wasting scarce and valuable resources. not only that, there'll be more happy people around than unhappy people. wouldn't it be nicer?if anyone has to die, can god take me away first? then the precious resource will be better off with some other people who can contribute more to the society.

IdIoTiC mE
8:22 PM

Monday, April 14, 2008

nothing much happened today. just felt like blogging.

did something silly today. bunch of friends (including me) attempted to tie sebastian to his chair. well, as you guessed. we didn't manage to, because seb's a muscle man!! he's way to strong for us to tie. so.. guess what? we changed our target to peiwen and we completed our mission with ease. her shocked face can never be forgotten. imagine doing homework half way then a bunch of monster come over and start tying you. peiwen shouted for help when mdm samsiah came in. so, kind lirong untied her.

oh. some people in our class were caught by mr garnish for playing soccer in class. so our dear teacher punished them to wash the wall of the dirt. of course, some irresponsible people who played too ran away and didn't help to clean.

some good news of odac being canceled came knocking at my door after school. kind of happy to hear that because i had a bad headache.

saw a cute girl in the lift today. isn't it good to be young and innocent? can i turn clock back to when i was small? when i didn't have to worry about anything. when i didn't need to think about my future. when i didn't need to bother about human relationship. when i didn't need to shorten my life span to think of how to solve math problems. when... things were so simple...

my mom was being kind to inform. you don't have to say anything if nothing good is going to come out of your rotten mouth.

IdIoTiC mE
8:24 PM

Friday, April 11, 2008

i wanted to blog yesterday, but did not as i was too tired to do it. our class was a little hyper yesterday, then miss chua complained that we're too energetic. and she said i'm a very naughty girl who bullies her. oh, and sebastian once again went crazy during chemistry lesson and started to imitate the way our dear math teacher speaks and acts. we must REALLY devise a plan to tie seb up and get him to eat some medicine to calm him down.

my bag was very heavy this morning, so i decided to leave my umbrella home. after looking at the sky, i thought that i should leave house earlier so that i will not be caught in the rain. but unlucky me still got caught in the rain with lirong at the bus stop near school=x i shall be more hardworking in bringing umbrella out.

finally some good news in my life. got an A for my project work. i must really thank chee how and lirong for putting in so much effort into the written report, helping me with some of the individual work and giving me pointers to improve on my oral presentation. i wouldn't have been able to achieve A if not for you two. oh, chee how, thank you very much for coming with an extra umbrella for me this morning:D

i want to say sorry to pei wen for being so rough when playing basketball today, and kept knocking into you. i didn't mean to play so rough, i didn't realise that i was so rough if not for you complaining. sorry!!

also, i want to say sorry to everyone around me for i was cranky the whole week. perhaps it's because some things that i look forward to didn't come true. i'll reflect upon my actions and try to change next week;)

IdIoTiC mE
11:47 PM

Friday, April 04, 2008

i can't slp and i'm feeling very upset over my studies...

IdIoTiC mE
10:32 PM