Sunday, March 30, 2008

had ajc yjc race yesterday. i didn't do much for it actually. i'm only the food ic at the food station. but nonetheless, i took alot of pictures of my poor friends who had to run like crazy to get to all the stations=x
this may look like trash. but it's food for the people later:D
they have to complete some navigations before they can get their food=x poor people...
look at their happy faces after they get their food:D
more happy people.
guy helping peiwen to eat the fish. but the way he eats it is like he hasn't eat for 10 days...
off they go after lunch.
bouldering to get their clues
peiwen, marcus, sham and hazel. their team posing for picture before everyone goes off.

after we were dismissed, terrence, peiwen and me decided to go to prata house for some prata. and peiwen joined us all because terrence and me kept blaming her for not helping us buy prata if she pass by with her group as she promised. so, off we take a bus to prata house.

peiwen ready to eat up everything!!
terrence wants to laugh but is trying not to. so serious... sigh...
where's the food?!?!?! oh, forgot to mention this. peiwen treated us to the prata!!

after eating the prata, we felt indignant about not exploring the pierce reservoir thoroughly before going off. so we set off to pierce once again, ON FOOT. yes, we did not take bus. we walked there!!! sense of achievement...:D
some monkeys along the way
education for the public. please do not feed monkeys!! bad for them. but i wonder... where's the camera?
saw this turn turn thing (no idea of it's name) then we got all excited and wanted to play.
and we spin and spin and spin:D poor terrence=x
giddy peiwen=x
peiwen trying to turn terrence
peiwen fell off the slide!! hahahaha
i almost fell off but did not=p
terrence's too shocked to do anything else but sit there.
some random photos.
peiwen's at it again...
wanted to take picture of us ourselves. but it turned out to have a big big gap on my side. guess we should ask others to help us in future.

ok. that's all for yesterday's fun. gotta study hard!!! tomorrow's Chemistry SPA Skill A... memorize!!! i must become a mugger... eat more smarties!!:D

IdIoTiC mE
12:47 PM

Friday, March 28, 2008

as promised, i will blog about my friends!!

first up, sebastian kwang ying kiat!! why him again? because he's the easiest to write about. he said he used to eat pencil lead when he was a kid. i guess that explains why he's so fun to be with. his laughter never fails to spread to everyone around him. the moment he starts laughing, everyone will too. i'm really glad that he came to YJC and didn't transfer out or change class like others did. seb, you rock!!! and seb, please don't be too emo because of some things. remember, you always have us to cheer you up;)

sharon tan kai ling. she's a nice and caring friend (my 'best' friend). she's very observant, and her eyes seem to be able to see through your thoughts. she never fails to read my mind and give me that cheeky smile. she gives wonderful advices, asks questions that sends you deep in thoughts and many others. oh, not to forget, she's also very motherly!! she nags at you to do your work, be noticed and everything. and sharon, you're not fat!! please stop saying that you're fat. because if you're fat, then i think i'm severely overweight!! i have alot more excess fats on me than you have on you=)

joanna che, aka disco light or bird shit. lol!! i'm sooo sorry jo=x i think we should give up on quarreling infront of desmond. i always laugh or smile everytime i have squabbles with you, there's no way he's going to believe that we dislike each other. and we always talk about going to somewhere for good food, we really sound like good good friends instead of enemies. fun person to be with 'cause she can feed you with lots of gossips and she knows where all the good food are!! and she's most willing to bring you to the nice food and make you fatter:D

ok, that's all for friends. kind of tired. will blog about others some other day=x

on to what happened today.

had pe today, had fun with my classmates!! played hand ball again. lol. no idea why but my class really loves hand ball. was a little distracted during the game. and sharon got a little crazy and did some tango with my half way through the game. ate ice cream after pe.

lunch was fun. they made fun of miss chua saying that she doesn't love us 'cause she didn't want to sit with us for lunch, and wants to sit with her form class. sigh... so sad!! and i'm not her favourite student!! i'm no one's favourite.=(

sat at foyer and chatted with friends for a while before going to semb hill road food center to order food for tomorrow's odac race. smart Terrence alighted one stop after the stop we should alight, so we walked quite a long way back. then it started raining heavily as we were about to leave. so we ate curry puff as we waited for the rain to get less heavy. finally, we left when the rain got smaller, but half way walking to the bus stop, the rain got heavy again. got all wet.

overall, positive externalities outweighs negative externalities. so, days like today should happen more often.=) last but not least, eat more smarties to get smart!! :D

IdIoTiC mE
9:26 PM

Monday, March 24, 2008

wheee!!! went out with my classmates today, and yes, i did skipped CCA:D but it's ok, because i had fun with my friends!! that will remove any guilt that will result from skipping one day of cca. and oh, we also manage to persuade sebastian from not going back to floor ball training, by making him feel guilty if he leaves us:D evil us...

first stop of the day: lunch at at miss clarity.
some cam-whoring before the food arrives. let me explain this picture, i locked peiwen's necklace to the number tag like thing of the table. and she gave a spastic expression.
peiwen's fish and chip. taste normal.
sharon's fried chicken baked rice. extremely big serving. taste nice.
cherina's seafood linguine. taste a little salty. but overall, not bad.
my creamy soft shell crab linguine. the cream is not nice at all!! it's tasteless, and the cream's taste resembles flour. and it's a extremely oily dish, to the extent that oil can drip off the linguine if you hold it up.
seb and rong's black pepper crispy chicken. taste kind of nice. it doesn't have too strong a taste of the pepper.
chee how's pork chop. very hard!! lol. it's kind of like eating chewing gum=x but the taste of it is alright.
more cam-whoring after the food comes and before we start to eat. joanna looks as though she's chairing a meeting!!
dig in!! oh ya, wonder why i didn't bother to take a picture of shaun's food? because dumb him ordered ramen. ramen sold at such places are usually instant noodle. so if you want to know how his food looks like, go cook a bowl of instant noodle:D and look at his facial expression=.=
everyone done eating and moved on to chatting, except seb. why? 'cause he's trying to finish the ultra big portion of sharon's baked rice.
sharon and joanna
pei wen and me. yes, seb's still eating in the background.
pei wen, me, seb.
joanna and cherina
back: joanna
front: cherina, peiwen, me
some nice pictures on the walls of the shop:D
the attitude couple!! die die also don't want to pose for me to take picture. so no choice, have to make do with this one. and they are VERY TO INFINITY evil!! always make fun of peiwen and me!!! and they left after lunch, leaving us to explore haji lane on our own:( where is your friends outing spirit?!?!?!
back: sharon and joanna
front: cherina, peiwen, me
dessert: chocolate ice cream. not very nice. but still, we had fun with the ice cream.
see how mummy treats me!!! i want to complain!! child abuse T.T and sebastian's still laughing happily at my plight. what a evil friend!!!
there peiwen goes again
caught her eating. sexy?lol. maybe to soo teck:D
sharon's trying to suck in and tie her waist up. look at her skinny waist!!! i think mine looks twice as big as compared to her's. i think i should seriously stop eating so much, and start exercising!!!
jo and cherina. sorry, no idea how i can flip this picture up. ok, i admit, i'm hopeless when it comes to computers=x
long legs in action!!
peiwen got bored as we shopped around in the shop. so, she sat down and started reading some magazines. i think this is a nice picture:D
sharon and me. shaun's emo-ing at the back.
seb's trying on his top. oh ya... this shop has terrapin, and it bit me:( but i guess i deserved it, i was playing with it=x i'll learn to be a good girl, so that i will be safe when playing with animals:D
spastic me.
one cute bird. but sadly, it lost its freedom...
peiwen making face AGAIN
some nice flowers that i love:D
sharon and joanna. doesn't this remind you of triumph's advertisement, cleavage in demand?
peiwen simply looks SWEET with this hat!!!
more nicer hat
looking at this photo now, i understand why shaun wants me to hold my bag like this=.=
2 person wearing hat and eating ice cream
3 person wearing hat and eating ice cream:D
uncle... oh, by the way, they're sitting opposite each other.
seb's clown
everyone went off except for peiwen, joanna, seb and me. so we decided to go to mac to seat around. and i ate double cheese burger. it's very nice!!
peiwen and jo
seb says it's a smiley face. try and make it out.

oh my goodness... after 1.5h, i'm finally done posting the photos!! sooooooo happy.

IdIoTiC mE
9:30 PM