Thursday, February 08, 2007

today's post will be long!! y? cuz i'll be having a combine post like my sis! =D

6th feb, tue:
i went for dinner with my sub-house, pierce 7 at swensen!!! yes, finally! although not every1 turned up, it was still... pretty fun. the not fun point is, there's super little girls in pierce 7, so, natasha, gu huai, esther, and me had to depend on each other=((( so sad, rite? lol... BOYS EAT LIKE PIGS!! i barely finish half of my baked rice, desmond already finished he's and is ordering ice cream! tsk tsk tsk... then we crapped ard till ard 8? then off we go home=)

7th & 8th feb, wed & thur
the first time i pon sch in jc!! well... i wanted to go get my cny clothes, and juz nice something grow in my eye (super painful), so i ponned! of cuz mom wasn't happy tat i pon and then go shopping, but no choice, i already pon=) anw, reached home at ard 11. guess wad? i started watching dvd!! and i watch ALL the way till morning, slept at ard 8am. almost done wif the show=D proud of myself. lol... going for dinner with lian later, hope i won't get lazy then don wanna go=x

omg... why muz it come so soon?? T.T

IdIoTiC mE
3:40 PM

Sunday, February 04, 2007

today, i went with my new classmates to eat. we wanted to go sakura or something to eat, then some how they took my suggestion to go marina bay for steamboat. my first time there!! lol.. i know i know, i very noob.

anw, the journey to marina was boring, extremely boring!! cuz it's a long way from home and i had to travel alone=((( other than tat, i thought tat i was late, and i rushed. guess wad? when i reached marina bay's control station, the crowd i expected to see wasn't there. i couldn't find any1! then by chance or wad, i see 2 lonely souls standing there, benjamin choi and shanq kuan... so, we sat on the floor guessing which group of strangers will leave first. after a long wait of about 30mins, every1 arrived and off we go!!

arrived at the steamboat place, and i totally regret suggeting going there. looks super hot and smoky. but it's ok, the lady brought us to a less crowded area. so, it's better compared to other part. royston complained tat he's having gastric, took some cooked chicken wings for him, and he still dare to complain tat he wanted fried rice, not chicken wings!! idiotic guy...

started cooking the raw food. i cooked!! and it's nice ok?!? i'm iron chef!!! anw, we took mroe pics than we eat=x hahaha... but i only cooked a little, gave up after the oil start to splash. lol.. then, royston, benjamin yeo and shanq kun took over. we ate and ate and ate.

after finishing, they say there's free ice cream. boys went to take like... 15+ ice cream back=.= some more they only took corn and durian flavoured ones... then after they finish, they took the remaining ice creams and changed them to red bean. guess wad? they went wif 5 ice creams, came back with even more!! crazy ppl, in the end have to squeeze everything into the already bloated stomach. saw some rats, then the other girls kept screaming=.=

left the steam boat area, went to the bowling ally to take MORE photos. after tat ben yeo, pei wen and i went arcade to play the 3 button thingy (i think lian knows wad game i'm talking about). then home sweet home. it's SUPER UNFAIR i stay the furthest!!! i was the last to reach home!! i reached home at ard 1+am lei... so late...T.T


IdIoTiC mE
1:07 AM