Tuesday, January 30, 2007

OMG!!!! o lvl result is gonna be released real soon!!! gdness... much as i try to tell myself and others tat it's ok, it'll come eventually, so y wait? but... i juz can't convince myself to remain calm and everything when i haf such bad feelings about my result....

other than tat, after the result is released, we will definitely NOT be tat close!! and i'll really really be glad if we can still be in touch... 4yrs of friendship... i'll definitely miss u guys:(

IdIoTiC mE
8:46 PM

Monday, January 22, 2007

gd news for myself!! i successfully changed my CCA from guitar ensem to ODAC!!! kinda happy...ok, i know i don sound tat happy. but quite alright... anw, i ponned my first ODAC training!! cuz none of the jc1s i know are going. imagine going to a CCA session without any jc1s=.= i promise i won't skip anymore session, for this month^.^

wanted to get qing he to go watch movie. BUT some1 didn't pick up. THEN my mother suddenly called and say she saw liqin and gek mun at lot1 working. hence, jiexi and me rushed down to meet them. after chatting with gek mun, i got super duper emo. then ya... those who know me well enough will know wad i did. guess i'm juz not independent enough=( but i simply miss my sec sch frens, and i cannot accept new environment, and frens at yjc. ADAPT ADAPT ADAPT!!!

*hopes for a better tml*

IdIoTiC mE
8:48 PM

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

dilemma. guitar or o.d.a.c?

met up with eunice, sally, lilian and jiexi for dinner. well, was suppose to eat yishun's nice laksa with jiexi's bro. since sally and company are coming, we chose sec school frens. it's not bad eating with them. know why? becuz i'm extremely glad tat everyone's still the same, none changed^^

another thing, i really don wanna blush! it's pretty embarrassing to blush. especially when others tease u for blushing. but not like i can control it. it's... natural?

below, is probably one of the reason why i blush. no idea if it's true or not.

IdIoTiC mE
9:14 PM

Monday, January 15, 2007

i had dragon boat this afternoon!! not bad, pretty fun. juz tat our supposingly ally splashed water at us, and we sort of turned into enemy. AND it was bloody sunny!! at the end of everything, my face was the reddest in my group. so sadT.T i hope it won't peel... peeling hurts, and most importantly, it's super duper ugly!!! is there a cheap way to get darker, without the need of getting sun burnt?

other than the burnt, there's another super uncomfortable thing. everyone was wet from splashing one another, i expected it. BUT i brought everything to change, slippers, short and wadever, other than bra. SO, felt super uncomfortable!! cuz there very bu tong feng=x lol... enough of this. bye!

IdIoTiC mE
5:20 PM

Saturday, January 06, 2007

hi everybody!! i'm TERRIBLY sorry for not updating for such a long long long long time... well, i've been rather lazy to go to www.blogger.com and press the "whatever" and "create post". ok, i'll give a summary of my first 3 days in yjc.

1st day
felt SUPER alien. y? cuz out of everyone jiexi and i saw, we're one of the few dumb dumb wearing tee-shirt=.= AND other than jiexi, i don know any1 else.... then saw vivian, a fren from primary school. i thought tat jiexi and i were bad enough (as in the amount of frens there), before we found out tat she's the only 1 from regent... but nvm! she's fast in making frens:) then i'm in OG23, Pierce 7. jiexi and i were smsing most of the time when we were separated.

after tat, we proceeded to the hall for some extremely dry, and pure dumb subj tok. THEN, jiexi smsed me, telling me tat the guy sitting right side, infront of me, is her ex! but i forgot his name, go ask jiexi for more information.

2nd day
EVEN more subj tok. super bored. smsed jx again, even though we're in the same place(hall). not much. had abit of games.got home. i felt SUPER DUPER SAD!!! cuz i couldn't find familiar faces around me, all stranger. then i start thinking about all the time we had together in unity... then, tat's when the tap spoilt, then water leaked uncontrollably:(

3rd day
had mass game in the morning. we played captains' ball. then i stand on the chair!! super siok, cuz don haf to run ard:D

had a not amazing amazing race in the afternoon. was SUPER hungry!!! then the few of us kept bugging the OGL to take us for lunch, and everything. after walking for a long long time, got super tired, the few of us went crazy. started saying, y muz the amazing race be so draggy? y go in such big group? bring us back before we starting killing u! and things like tat. ya, poor ogl. haha..

IdIoTiC mE
12:41 PM