Thursday, January 01, 2009

ok, been a long long time since i last blogged. haven't been blogging due to hectic life (at least to me) not due to nothing happening. so many things happened, lazy to mention it. really tired now.

anyway, had the most wild and fun new year day with my friends. definitely an unforgettable experience. first time seeing friend going crazy due to alcohol, first time getting so little sleep and still awake and many other first time. too many to mention. didn't really take alot of photos.

peiwen, seb and me got so bored waiting for 2009 to come and had to resort to doing mindless thing-.-
top view. it looks quite magnificent isn't it?
both des and seb seems intrigued by the orange object=)
and he can't fit into it.

no more photos for today. should have taken more but too bad. lol. had a really fun day. but i think 'cause i'm so tired now, the description of the day seems boring. i think you all should go to jo's blog to get a more exciting version of the story. oh, before i forget, after playing monopoly with desmond, i realise that he's a rather unscrupulous and scheming person.

an outdated photo of jo with kaka? i don't know that's what ben said.

and now, for the new year resolution!! haha.
this is about it. will add on if i think of anything else.

IdIoTiC mE
10:40 PM