Wednesday, July 30, 2008

ok, i shall show more care and concern for all my friends this week. why? 'cause my dear joanna said i'm not caring enough, and the horoscope says virgos should show more concern for friends. i shall be very caring this week=)

and sharon, i was merely frowning in school, not about to cry-.- i was just very irritated by the fact that nothing seems to be the way it should be, and frowned. you know, frown? big difference from crying. red and watery eyes are due to lack of sleep. don't be mistaken. and the fact that only i watch you cry, and not you watch me cry will not change. got it?

i can't wait to go chomp!!

IdIoTiC mE
11:07 PM

Sunday, July 27, 2008

ok, time to blog about what brilliant things my secondary school friends and i did for jiexi.
look at her face. i know the cake's a little small, but she doesn't have to look so.. you know.
up close look of the cake. isn't it cute? lol.
her presents. aren't we sweet to buy her brands to make her stronger? prelim's round the corner. caring friends=) picture is a little blur, not good in taking photos=x
look at the way she's cutting the cake. looks as though she wants to kill us-.-

some outdated photos.
try making out sharon's face. she's doing some camouflaging.
peiwen's art work. influenced by hafizah and grace=)
see how boring biology lecture can get? we're bored to the extent that we're trying to arrange pens on sharon's head. and lirong who is trying her best to get out of the picture is the culprit=)

IdIoTiC mE
8:57 PM

Friday, July 25, 2008

ok, i haven't been blogging. so time for some outdated news.

had odac farewell party last saturday. was quite surprised that so little j2s turned up. nonethless, we had fun. played basketball and ate the whole night. left bullion park only at near 11pm? hazel, terence, peiwen, xiangcong and i stayed behind to play a little while more with some strangers. they were very funny. lol.

then on to weekdays. nothing much happened this week. except for some incidents which i again embarrassed myself. lol. one of these incidents will be:
bio teacher: so, what's the structure of a fatty acid?
me: -COOH functional group.
bio teacher: hmm... yes, it's present. but that's not the main point.

goodness!!! see how mixed up i am over all the subjects? there was another time when my friends were talking about complex numbers (mathematics), and i was there talking to myself about complexes (chemistry, transition element). but these doesn't proof that i'm blur. it's just because i was too tired and stoned, so didn't hear the full conversation and got lost. that's all.

and to all people out there, i'm not fat!! it's just that YOU people are way too skinny, that's why i'm relatively fatter. you're all too skinny. yes.

IdIoTiC mE
10:50 PM

Monday, July 14, 2008

been blogging a lot recently. i know it's wrong, because i should be using the time to study instead of blogging. but who cares, i just want to blog. goodness, so attitude. haha

ok, as expected, i failed econs. no idea why but i just can't seem to pass it. can anyone just teach me how to pass econs? some said didn't study for test and pass, still dare to say naturally good. out to spite me, and make me vomit blood? and if i vomit too much blood, my face won't be red anymore, and i'll lose my trade mark. what an evil motive. tsk tsk.

been mugging after school with peiwen. although i always grumble about peiwen taking so long to finish her work, i'm actually glad that she takes that long. because that will make me stay in school longer, do more work. i can't do much work when i'm all alone at home. not a lot of distractions at home, but i'll just sit at my table and start stoning which is like not doing work. for instance, now. i should really really start doing work now. prelim's just round the corner!!

cheer up girl, everything's gonna be fine.

IdIoTiC mE
8:42 PM

Saturday, July 12, 2008

conclusion after weeks of complains. mom and sis staying at home without anybody else is like mars colliding with earth. catastrophic event. both of them are so stubborn.

anyway, got my bro to get me a new mouse. the previous mouse was fine, but my bro complained that the right click is not working well. so i got a new mouse. the mouse is very cool, it can be washed. yes, under running tap=) will try washing it when i have the time. but the colour of the mouse don really suit my comp. everything is is black and suddenly there's a white wire. i think people won't understand this para, because i don't know what i'm saying too.

ok, shall reply people's tag in this post, easier.
sharon: FINE. you're always saying how sweet shaun is, trying to make us all without boyfriend to be sad!! you're being evil. ok, i don't have a boyfriend. not pretty enough what. and you haven't been gentle!! see, even ms chua says she agrees with me that you like to pinch people=))

keith: yep yep, sharon's not a gentle girl. she's very scary. imagine i have to go to school everyday and face her. *sighs

joanna: i totally agree with you!! i don't use reverse psychology like someone. lol. great minds think alike;)

IdIoTiC mE
11:45 PM

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

ok, this is a make up post as my dear friend complained that i did blog about them, and said i'm bias! i went shopping at vivo city last saturday with my two very wonderful friend joanna and eleanor. the two very sweet girls helped me find nice clothes for me to buy, tried to make me wear revealing clothes for them to see, tried coaxing me to wear sleeveless. very nice of them to accompany me to go shopping despite them being very tired from playing at sentosa=)) love you people loads!!! is this fine joanna? not bias right?=x

i feel so abused by sharon today!!! she kept whacking me and pinching me. but the worse hit came near end of school. how can u bear to sort of pin me down and anyhow touch touch?!?!?!? =( don't think you can bully me because i don't have a boyfriend, i have peiwen and joanna to back me up=ppp

IdIoTiC mE
9:03 PM

Monday, July 07, 2008

summary of the past few days, not very lucky. firstly, i sort of injured my left middle finger on friday, injured two left toes on saturday and slipped and fell on sunday. haven't been that lucky isn't it?

due to the high demand for labours, singapore has been hiring real lots of foreign talents. due to that, the number of foreign talents loitering around the park i frequent to jog is increasing. that of course will not have any impact on me since i look real safe, but my mom has been worried. sigh.. can't she have more trust in her daughter's looks?

anyway, i think my brother is real nice to me. although he always says the opposite, he still dotes on me. lol. sounds cliche. but i really love my brother. LOL!!

studied with sebastian at burger king today. quite productive, except that we don't really have people to turn to when we can't solve questions. people, try and be more helpful by studying with us, ok? you know who you are, stop going dating all the time=)

IdIoTiC mE
9:40 PM

Thursday, July 03, 2008

got back chemistry paper. although i already know what i got for chemistry, still felt extremely disappointed when i received the paper. ms chua gave me a 'i think you're hopeless' kind of face. disappointed disappointed. many more disappointments to come. this moody feeling will go on until i get back all my papers?
anyway, went to play mahjong with my secondary school friends from PJC (i know it's weird to play mahjong on a weekday, but there's no other free time. lol). well, made me feel kind of better. glad to find out that everyone's still the same, same sarcastic remarks. oh, my friends commented that i'm slimmer!! lol. very happy=) slept at around 1am.

due to my lack of sleep, i was extremely sleepy for the whole of the day. fell asleep during the lecture recital, because the music can really send people to lala land very easily. slept through GP lecture and tutorial too. feel so guilty. but the good thing is, i managed to stay awake for all other lessons=) had to drink coffee to keep myself awake to stay back and study with adeline and peiwen...

felt bad when mrs kwang talked to us regarding the survey. i did colour agree and strongly agree too. lol. it's not that we hate her, it's just sometimes the tone used is very harsh. other than that, we're fine with her. we can understand what she says, and she teaches really effective too. we do appreciate that.

that's all i'm freaking tired. off to bed.

IdIoTiC mE
9:52 PM

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

yesterday was a day bad enough. today just made it worse.

yes, i failed chemistry while many other passed. depressed me thought maybe i should start doing chemistry tutorial and stop dreaming. and so, i took out my chem notes and homework that we were assigned. as i was doing it, i heard some sound. the sound of insect's wings beating against the wall or floor. thinking that it's just another poor beetle stuck in my house, i ignored it. BUT after some time, i found the sound of wings beating against wall was way too loud for a small beetle. so, curious me turned my head to check out the commotion. WOW. i saw a HUGE cockroach flying around my living room. yes, no doubt. it's a FLYING cockroach. being yeejean, who is extremely afraid of bugs despite her size (i know my character doesn't fit my appearance), stoned on the sofa. after a while of trying to endure the presence of a cockroach in my house, i frantically called my mom to come home quickly. in the mean time, the roach crawled into my room. well, my mom came home about half an hour later and caught the roach after i helped her look for it.

got back math block test. well, i failed again. not surprising but it's still depressing.

i wonder why am i having insomnia now. i just find it so difficult to get to sleep. so unlike me. i used to fall asleep the moment my head hits the pillow, and i'll sleep all the way to morning without waking up at all. now, i'll wake up in the middle of the night. sick of it, makes me so tired in the day. atmosphere at home hasn't been good either. my sis seems to have some problem with my mom or is it the other way round. feel like casting everything aside and have fun outside for a day. but who is willing to go with me?

-feeling negative-

IdIoTiC mE
8:32 PM