Sunday, September 23, 2007

wooohooooo!! like finally. tomorrow is the deadline for wr!! then, no more pie charts or whatsoever to do until... end of promos? goody=D

people, i'm really sorry if i keep snapping at you all. didnt mean it, but can't help it. really not in a good mood. not in the mood to play, mood swings and everything. maybe i'm too stress and tired?

forgot to say, the mask gave me rashes on my face T.T

IdIoTiC mE
10:13 PM

Monday, September 17, 2007

A BIG BIG BIG thank you to everyone who wished me happy birthday today=D

thanks daniel for the pillow:) i wont pinch the pillow, too cute already. i still prefer to pinch u:P and are u encouraging me to sleep during tut and lects?

shaun, thanks for the biscuits ar. i LOVE that biscuit, next time don have to ransack your bag to find the biscuit already.xD u're giving me more energy to whack u. *grins*

willy, the 'music box' or whatever you call it, it's SUPER cute!! but it looks so fragile=.= i don dare to turn too much. later spoil=x

sharon, peiwen, lychee, cherina, joanna, yipeng, willy, sirbastard, kugan sanip, takeena, adeline, kitty (aka daniel), hazel aw shi yuan, benchoy, benyeo: thanks for the presents, and i really like it!! i seriously need the pimple mask to get rid of the pimples!! they are popping out like nobody's business!! so sad.... T.T the water bottle and pencil box is nice. sharon's got good taste!!! :D

desmond, thanks for the doughnuts. took a long time to queue right? *bows* i will nv ever have the patience to wait that long to buy something for someone. =x

special thanks to willy and kugan for organising the celebration for all the sept babies in 112!!! so many sept babies in my class. there's 6 in all!!

keith, peiwen, meixin, jerome, edward, terence, hazel: thanks for helping me celebrate my birthday ar. taking out the candle holder from the cake was pretty unglam... lol... luckily u all gd frens, nv take video of the process:D poor edward and jerome, victim to all the disgusting punishment of 'zhong ji mi ma' (should update u all on wad edward ate after i transfer the photos from my phone to comp). and i really can't believe 8 of us finished the entire cake=.=

peiwen: thanks for the birthday card. very nice, except for the inside=.= hmm... very... nvm, i let u choose, christopher aw or sheng yu?

sharon: thanks for the card. ur's nicer than peiwen's because your content better!! lol=x

ben choy: the card very cute!! the bunny. yep, let 112 promote as a class!! *wishes hard tat i'll promote*

keith: thanks for the poem. my literature sucks. i don really understand the poem=.= also, special thanks to the lady who helped keith write it. u have really nice handwriting!! at first sight, i really thought tat it was printed!

bingwey, aaron, lilian, samuel yeong, shengyu, shiping, cai hua: thanks for remembering my bday!! :D

last but not least, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL SEPT BABIES!!! ( sharon, sebastian, yipeng, james, myselfxD, and Mr. Robin Seoh)!!

p.s: if i forgot to thank any1, really really sorry!! tag me to inform me if i miss out any of you, ok?

IdIoTiC mE
8:35 PM